Coppock P.J, 2014, "Ludic and Social Media Interaction Design Principles in Smart City Development", In E. Zantides (Ed.) Semiotics and Visual Communication: Concepts and Practices, Newcastle on Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 110-125.
Coppock P.J. 2013, "Interactivity + Playfulness: How to Do Things With Images in Ludic and Social Media", Lexia n. 17: How to do Things with Images
Coppock P.J, Ferri, G. 2013, "Serious Urban Games: From Play in the City to Play for the City". In S. Tosoni, M. Tarantino, C. Giaccardis (Eds.) Media and the City. Urbanism, Technology and Communivation,. Newcastle on Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 120-134
Coppock P.J. 2012, "Are computer games real?". In Springer Press Anthology The Philosophy of Computer Games, (Eds.) John Richard Sageng, Hallvard Fossheim, Tarjei Mandt Larsen, pp 259-277.
Coppock P.J. 2013, "Interactivity + Playfulness: How to Do Things With Images in Ludic and Social Media", Lexia n. 17: How to do Things with Images
Coppock P.J. 2012, "Are computer games real?". In Springer Press Anthology The Philosophy of Computer Games, (Eds.) John Richard Sageng, Hallvard Fossheim, Tarjei Mandt Larsen, pp 259-277.
Coppock P.J. In press, Narratività e giochi d'identità nella rete. Paper presented at "Nuovas identidades culturales y mediaciones digitales", Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Seville, Spain. To appear in deSigniS.
Coppock, P.J. 2011(a), "Facebook: gioco o qualcos'altro?", IL, rivista cultural del Sole 24 Ore, dicembre 2011, xx.
Coppock, P.J. 2011(b), Sacralità e Tragedia in Angry Birds, IL, rivista cultural del Sole 24 Ore, ottobre 2011, 224.
Coppock, P.J. 2011(c), "Laboratorio uno: Fotografia, comunicazione, cultura - Introduzione", M.C. Brucculeri, D. Mangano, I. Ventura (Eds.) La fotografia. Oggetto teorica e pratica sociale. Atti del XXXVIII Congresso AISS - Laboratori, Numero monografico, E/C 7-8, Associazione Italiana di Studi Semiotici, 12-14
Coppock P.J. 2011(d), "Transmedialità e convergenze tra forme di narrazione, nella letteratura, nel cinema e nei giochi digitali", in E. Mandelli & V. Re (Eds.) Fate il vostro gioco. Cinema e videogame nella rete: pratiche di contaminazione. Atti della giornate di studi, Venezia, Università Ca' Foscari, 19 novembre 2010. Crocetta del Montello: Terra Ferma, 60-70.
Coppock, P.J., 1993(g). "Verbal, non-verbal, co-verbal gerbils, warbles, codes and modes". Debate article ("Squibble") in SignPost, Winter 1993.
Coppock P.J. 2011(d), "Transmedialità e convergenze tra forme di narrazione, nella letteratura, nel cinema e nei giochi digitali", in E. Mandelli & V. Re (Eds.) Fate il vostro gioco. Cinema e videogame nella rete: pratiche di contaminazione. Atti della giornate di studi, Venezia, Università Ca' Foscari, 19 novembre 2010. Crocetta del Montello: Terra Ferma, 60-70.
Coppock, P.J., 1993(g). "Verbal, non-verbal, co-verbal gerbils, warbles, codes and modes". Debate article ("Squibble") in SignPost, Winter 1993.
Coppock P.J. 2011(e), "Moral Agency, Democracy and Social Network Facilitated Decision-Making", N. Bigi, E. Codeluppi, A. Santangelo (eds.) Viaggio nei Social Network/A Journey in Social Networks, thematic number of the online journal E|C, Associazione Italiana di Studi Semiotici [Published article online PDF]
Coppock, P.J. 2010(a), "Developing Enactive Political Gameplay in Transworld, Transmedia Genius Loci", paper presented at "Politica 2.0: Memoria, Etica e Nuove Forme della Comunicazione Politica, XXXVII - Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di Studi Semiotici, 23-25 ottobre 2009. Università di Bologna. In E/C. Rivsta dell'Associazione Associazione Italiana di Studi Semiotici. [Published article online PDF]
Coppock, P.J. 2010(b,) "Navigare nei territori sconosciuti: Orienteering e Adventuring con le carte". In: L. Cervelli, F. Romei, F. Sedda (Eds.), Mitologie dello Sport. 40 saggi brevi. Edizioni Nuova Cultura, Roma, 108-118 [Draft version PDF]
Coppock, P.J. 2010(c), "Amodal perception in hybrid forms of experienced agency in shared multimedial gameplay space". In G.P. Storari, E. Gola (eds.), Forme e Formalizzazione. Atti del XVI Convegno Nazionale della Società Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio. Cagliari, 10-12 settembre 2009, Pubblicazioni della Sociaetà di Filosofia del Linguaggio 07, CUEC, 137-156. [Draft version PDF]
Coppock, P.J. 2009(a), "Videoludic texts as sites of enactive practice: Reframing the text-practice dichotomy", Paper Abstract for the Panel "Understanding Play Practices: the State of the Art", in B. Atkins, H. Kennedy, T. Krzywinska (Eds.) DIGRA 2009: Breaking New Ground: Sponsors/Abstracts, University of Wales, University of West England, Brunel University, 18. [Link]
Coppock, P.J. 2009(b) "Se si muove spara!" Letteratura, cinema, giochi al computer, e altri mondi possibili digitali" (Trad. F. Giordano), in P. Coppock, F. Giordano, M. Rosi (Eds)., Bianco e Nero, Fascicolo 564, Proceedings of the workshop "Filming the Game / Playing the Film. L'immagine videoludica: narrazione e cross-medialità", VII MAGIS Gorizia International Film Studies Spring School, Gorizia, 27.03-02.04.2009, 9-24. [Draft of original in English PDF] [Draft final version in Italian PDF]
Coppock, P.J. 2009(c), "Conceptualisations and attributions of agency to co- and non co-present forms of otherness in actual, fictional, ludic and simulated possible worlds". Lexia n. 03/04, 2009: Actants, Actors, Agents: The Meaning of Action and the Action of Meaning From Theories to Territories, 317-340. [Draft version PDF]
Coppock, P.J. 2009(d), "Amodal perception in hybrid forms of experienced agency in shared multimedial gameplay space". Abstract, in Forme e Formalizzazione. Pre-Atti del XVI Convegno Nazionale della Società Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, Università di Cagliari, 37-38.
Coppock, P.J. 2009(d), "Amodal perception in hybrid forms of experienced agency in shared multimedial gameplay space". Abstract, in Forme e Formalizzazione. Pre-Atti del XVI Convegno Nazionale della Società Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, Università di Cagliari, 37-38.
Coppock, P.J. 2009(e), "Here, There and Everywhere: Glocalising Identity in Transword Trasmedia Genuis Loci". MedieKultur: Journal of Media and Culture Research, Volume 47 - "Online worlds as media and communication format", Guest Editor Kjetil Sandvik , 7-22 [Volume index w/link to article PDF]
Coppock P.J. 2009(f), “Personal, Local and Global Identity Games. Modelling (re)mediated ‘glocal’ transworld identities in an ever more “open” world”. Chinese Semiotic Studies, Vol 2 – 2009, 285-301 (Proceedings of the Nanjing International Symposium on Cultural Semiotics and the Eighth Annual Conference of China Association for Linguistic and Semiotic Studies, Nanjing Normal University, P. R. China, 15-17.11, 2008) [Draft version PDF]
Coppock, P.J. 2008(a) "Introduction". In Stephan Günzel, Michael Liebe and Dieter Mersch (Eds.) DIGAREC Series 01: Conference Proceedings of the Philosophy of Computer Games 2008, Potsdam: Potsdam University Press
Coppock, P.J. 2008(b) "'Genuis Loci' nel terzo spazio: la sacralità come processo", EC: Rivista dell'Associazione Italiana di Studi Semiotici Online. Paper presented at the XXXV Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di Studi Semiotici, "Destini del Sacro. Discorso religioso e semiotica della cultura", Reggio Emilia, 23-25 Novembre 2007.
Coppock, P.J. 2008(c) “ Alfred North Whitehead, Pragmaticism and Semiotics”. In Michel Weber & Will Desmond (Eds.), Handbook of Whiteheadian Process Thought. Volume 2. Frankfurt/ Paris/ Lancaster/ New Brunswick: Ontos Verlag, 41-54.
Coppock, P.J. 2006, “Transmission and interpretation of signs: two sides of the same coin, or two different currencies?”, Research Report 06-46, Department of Social. Cognitive and quantitative Science, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Online PDF Document.
Coppock, P.J 2005(a), “Parliamo di Jens: il trattamento mediatico d'un conflitto di interesse sportivo", in Giovanni Manetti, Paolo Bertetti, Alessandro Prato (eds.) Guerre di segni. Semiotica delle situazioni conflittuali. Atti del 30º Convegno dell'Associazione italiana di studi semiotici (Castiglioncello, 8-10 novembre 2002), Torino: Centro Scientifico Editore, 299-318.
Coppock, P.J. 2005(b), “ Systemic Functional Linguistics, Semiotics and Philosophy of Organism: Part of the same project?” In Kjell-Lars Berge, Eva Maagerø (eds.) 2005, Semiotics from the North. Nordic Approaches to functional lingustics, Oslo: Novus Press: 23-34.
Coppock, P.J. 2003, “ Semiotica dei nuovi media e nuove modalità di formazione”, VS 94/95/96, 2003: 71-82.
Coppock, P.J. 2002(a). “ Preface”, In Patrick J. Coppock. (ed.) 2002. The Semiotics of Writing: Transdisciplinary perspectives on the technology of writing, Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 7-35.
Coppock, P.J. 2002(b). “ Identity, audience and community in writing research”, in Patrick J. Coppock. (ed.) 2002. The Semiotics of Writing: Transdisciplinary perspectives on the technology of writing, Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 37-62
Coppock, P.J. 2002(c), “ Charles Sanders Peirce and the Mind-Body-World Relation”, VS 93 2002: 135-167.
Coppock, P.J. 2000, Continuity, discontinuity and negotiation of meaning in distributed virtual environments. Hypertext article published online at Arisbe: the Peirce Gateway: Interpretants of Charles S. Peirce and his work. Peirce-Related Papers Online.
Coppock, P.J. 1999(a) “ Negoziazione dell’identità pubblica in tribunale” [Negotiation of public identity in the courtroom: Interrogation of Antonio Di Pietro, Tribunale di Brescia, December 16th 1996] In Renata Galatolo & Gabriele Pallotti (eds.), Di Pietro e il Giudice. L'interrogatorio al Tribunale di Brescia, Bologna: Pitagora Editrice, pp.87-96.
Coppock, P.J. 1999(b) “Verso una etnografia della conversazione in ambiente virtuali distribuiti”. In Renata Galatolo & Gabriele Pallotti (eds.) La conversazione. Un’introduzione allo studio dell'interazione verbale, Milano: Raffaello Cortina, pp.336-364.
Coppock, P.J.1998 " Evolving dialogical norm-systems for scientific writing in distributed virtual environments." In: S. Cmejrková, J. Hoffmannová, O. Müllerová & J. Svetlá (eds.) Dialogue Analysis VI: Proceedings of The 6th International Congress of the International Association for Dialogue Analysis, Prague, 17.-20.04.1996. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, pp.261-281.
Coppock, P.J. 1997(a). “ The semiotics of a phenomenological research paradigm for investigating the evolution and ontogenesis of cultural norm-systems in distributed virtual environments.” Paper presented at the 4th Conference of the International Association of Semiotic Studies: The Semiotics of the Media, held at the Wissenschaftliches Zentrum f?r Kulturforschung, University of Kassel, Germany, 20-23 March 1995. Semiotica 115-3/4 (1997), 235-262
Coppock, P.J. 1997(b). " The Electronic Hypermedia Encyclopaedia: Transcending the constraints of the "authoritative work?" Sémiotiques (ed. Peter Stockinger), No. 12, juin (1997) 9-44 [ pdf version at the Sémiotiques site ]
Coppock, P.J. 1997(c). “ Grammar, Logic and community in science: Charles Sanders Peirce and his presuppositional classification of the sciences.” In: Anita Leirfall & Thor Sandmel (eds.). Festschrift til Johan Arnt Myrstad i anledning 50-årsdagen. [Festschrift for Johan Arnt Myrstad on his 50th birthday], Trondheim: Tapir Forlag, pp. 27-82 [pdf version]
Coppock, P.J. 1996(a). “ TekstNorm CoDiVE: Changing textual and interactional norms through cooperation in distributed virtual environments. A field-study of the development of qualifying text- and communication norm-systems in distributed multi-user text worlds. First Field Report." (Part 1 of as yet unpublished doctoral dissertation). The Norwegian University of Science and Technology: Department of Applied Linguistics.
Coppock, P.J. 1996(b). " Evolving dialogical norm-systems for scientific writing in distributed virtual environments." To appear in "Signs as Communication and Dialogue": Proceedings of the 4th Biannual Congress of the Nordic Association of Semiotic Studies, Imatra, Finland, 09. -14.06.96
Coppock, P.J. 1996(c). " Alan Sokal saken: Om vitenskapelig tekstnormendring og skriving som kommunikasjonsteknologi i virtuelle omgivelser". In: M-medietidsskriftet, nr. 4/1996. NTNU: Institutt for film og medievitenskap.
Coppock, P.J. 1996(d). Review of T. C. Daddesio: "On Minds and Symbols: The Relevance of Cognitive Science for Semiotics". Mouton de Gruyter 1994. Versus, V/S 73/74 1996, pp. 263-265.
Coppock, P.J. 1995(a). Review of "Semiotics and Linguistics in Alice's Worlds", eds. R. Fordyce & C. Marello, Mouton de Gruyter 1994. Versus V/S 72 1995: 144-145
Coppock, P.J. 1995(a). Review of "Semiotics and Linguistics in Alice's Worlds", eds. R. Fordyce & C. Marello, Mouton de Gruyter 1994. Versus V/S 72 1995: 144-145
Coppock, P.J. 1995(b). Review of "Charles Morris. Symbolism and Reality. A Study of the Nature of Mind". Versus V/S 72 1995: 146-148
Coppock, P.J. 1995(c). Review of "Origins of Semiosis". ed. W. Noeth. Versus V/S 72, 1995: 142-144
Coppock, P.J., 1995(d). " Intra-cultural aspects of legal interpreting for deaf people." From "The Bilingual, Bimodal Courtroom", a symposium held during the American Association of Applied Linguists 1994 Annual Conference, Baltimore, USA , 6.-9. mars 1994. The International Journal of Interpreting (S. Wilcox (ed.)), 1995, 1, pp. 24-35.
Coppock, P.J. 1995(e). " Ascribing continuity to the diachronicity of textual norms in virtual environments." Paper presented at 4th Nordic Association of Semiotic Studies Research Symposium, Trondheim Norway, October 16th-19th 1994. To appear in special number of Semio-Nordica. (G. Sonesson (ed.)
Coppock, P.J. 1995(f). " A semiotic perspective on the development of (artificial) consciousness". In: A. Aamodt & J. Komorowski (eds.) SCAI '95, Proceedings of The Fifth Nordic Conference in Artificial Intelligence, Trondheim, Norway, May 29-31, 1995, pp.378-386. [Volume Index]
Coppock, P.J. 1995(g). " IT-konferanse i Bologna". [IT conference in Bologna]. Newspaper article, Morgenbladet, May 1995. Recent archive version (requires subscription)
Coppock, P.J. 1995(h). "En samtale om informasjon." Intervju med professor Umberto Eco. [ A conversation on information. An interview with Professor Umberto Eco], Multimedia World Norway no. 2-95, pp. 24-33.
Coppock, P.J. 1995(i). "Iperbole prosjektet: Internet adgang et demokratisk rett." [The Iperbole project: Internet access as a democratic right], Multimedia World Norway no. 2-95, pp. 36-38.
Coppock, P.J. 1995(j). "Confounding the myth of the multimedia revolution? The sociosemiotics of (sign language dictionary) interface design." Debate article ("Squibble"). Sign Post, Winter 1995. Durham: International Sign Linguistics Association.
Coppock, P.J., 1994(a). " Med Alice gjennom speilveggen. Om brukerterskelens semiotikk" [With Alice through the Looking Glass: on the semiotics of the user interface]. In: Coppock, P.J., Isern, P., Johansen, S.E., Leirfall, A. & Tveter, N. (eds.) 1994. "Velkommen til den virtuell virkelighet": Nedtegnelser fra et tverrfaglig seminar ved Universitetet i Trondheim. 19.-20. november 1993. Trondheim: The University of Trondheim, College of Arts and Science, Dept. of Social Anthropology/ Forum for Virtuell Virkelighet.
Coppock, P.J. 1994(b). "Window Shopping - Cinema and the Postmodern". Review (in Norwegian) of the book of the same name by Anne Friedberg. Morgenbladet June 1994. Recent archive version (requires subscription)
Coppock, P.J. 1994(c). "The semiotics of equality and equivalence relationships in sign language research". Debate article ("Squibble") in SignPost, Autumn 1994.
Coppock, P.J., 1993(a). Undergraduate film analysis projects in a hypermedia environment. In: Bo Fibiger (ed.) Proceedings of a Nordic research symposium: Interactive Multimedia - narrativity and esthetics. Aarhus University 15-19 March 1993. Aarhus University, Institute for Media and Communication Studies.
Coppock, P.J., 1993(b). Bildetelefoner og tegnspråk. Evaluering av et bildetelefonsystem brukt for tegnspråklig kommunikasjon [Video-telephones and Sign Language. Evaluation of a video-telephone system used for sign language communication]. In: T Fretheim, L S Evensen, E Sivertsen (eds.) 1993. Tekst i kontekst. Oslo: Novus. pp. 24 -38.
Coppock, P.J., 1993(c). "Video Telephones and Norwegian Sign Language. Systemic constraints on communication in a visual-spatial channel." In: G. Davis and B. Samways (eds.): Teleteaching. IFIP Transactions A-29. Amsterdam, London, New-York: Elsevier Science Publishers (North-Holland) 1993, pp. 167-178.
Coppock, P.J., 1993(d). "Videotelephones and Norwegian Sign Language. Evaluation of a video telephone system by means of sign language communication." In: L. Kuure & P. Mc Ilvenny (eds.): Text and Talk. Proceedings of the 4th Finnish Discourse Analysis Seminar, Oulu, October 1992. Publications of the Department of English, Oulu University, Finland, pp. 29-46.
Coppock, P.J., 1993(e). Datamaskinen - brukerens beste venn?. Hvordan bør datasystemer oppføre seg for å gjøre jobben på brukerens premisser? [The computer - a user’s best friend? How should computers behave in order to satisfy user requirements? Talk given at a seminar arranged by InfoTron a/s. Britannia Hotel, Trondheim. 04.11.93 (xeroxed manuscript)
Coppock, P.J., 1993(f). "Semiotics and Flying Pigs". Review of Nordic Journal of Linguistics, Vol. 15, 2 1992. Sign Language Number. SignPost, Summer 1993.
Coppock, P.J., 1992. Interpreting Discourse. Signs for the Future? In: J.P. Moeller (ed.), 1992: Expanding Horizons: Proceedings of the Tenth National Convention of the Registry of Interpreters of the Deaf, August 6-11, 1991. Washington: RID (Registry of Interpreters of the Deaf).
Coppock, P.J., 1991(a). "Continuing Education for Sign Language Interpreters." In: EFSLI Newsletter 1/1991. Hamburg: European Forum for Sign Language Interpreters.
Coppock, P.J., 1991(b). "Function me here and Function me there". In SignPost 2, 1991. Durham: International Sign Linguistics Association.
Coppock, P.J. 1991(c). Døve, tegnspråket og skriften på veggen - ett tverrkulturelt perspektiv på døves skriftspråkskompetanse. [Deaf people, sign language and the writing on the wall]. Lecture for staff at Skådalen Center for the hard of hearing, August 1991. (Xerox)
Coppock, P.J., 1990(a). Språklig bevissthet og tolkesituasjonen. [Linguistic awareness and the interpreting situation]. Lecture at further education course for sign language interpreters held in Trondheim, Norway, November 1990. Xeroxed chapter in course compendium.
Coppock, P.J., 1990(b). "Norsk tegnspråk fra språkpedagogisk synspunkt. Norsk tegnspråk som andrespråk?" [Norwegian Sign Language seen from a language teaching perspective: Norwegian Sign Language as a second language?]. In: NAF Nytt, 2 & 3/1991. Oslo: The Norwegian Association of Teachers of the Deaf.
Coppock, P.J., 1990(c). "Norsk tegnspråk fra språkpedagogisk synspunkt. Norsk tegnspråk som andrespråk?" [Norwegian Sign Language from a language teaching perspective. Norwegian Sign Language as a second language?]. In: Nordisk Tidsskrift før Døvundervisningen, 3/ 1990. Lund: Bloms Boktryckeri AB.
Coppock, P.J., 1990(c). "Internationalsignlanguageagain." In Sign Post 1, 1990. Durham: International Sign Linguistics Association.
Coppock, P.J., 1990(d). "Extra rational responses: ISL, INSIGN "n" INTERPS". In Sign Post 4, 1990. Durham: International Sign Linguistics Association.
Coppock, P.J. 1990(e). "Tolketjenesten for døve - en skandale." [Interpreting services for deaf people - a scandal]. Chronicle in Klassekampen January 10th, 1990.
Coppock, P.J. 1990(f). "Et apropos..." [Apropos...]. Article on sign language use in children's programmes on TV in Klassekampen January 31st, 1990.
Coppock, P.J. 1990(g). "Åpent brev til Reiulf Steen" [Open letter to Reiulf Steen]. On the Helsingfors Committee's initiative on Northern Ireland. In Klassekampen August 27th, 1990.
Coppock, P.J. 1989. "En utfordring til departementet". [A challenge to the ministry]. Chronicle on developing sign language courses for staff at national schools for the deaf in Norway. Klassekampen June 20th 1989.
Coppock, P.J. 1986. "På tolkeoppdrag i Sri Lanka og noen tanker jeg fikk etterpå" [Some afterthoughts on an interpreting assignment in Sri Lanka]. Døves Tidsskrift no. 11 1986.
Coppock, P.J. 1984. "Vi besøker NRK og Tekst-TV-redaksjonen i Oslo" [We visit Norwegian Broadcasting's Text-TV studio in Oslo]. Døves Tidsskrift 31.8.1984.
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Patrick John Coppock, December 2009