11 February 2013

Talks and Lectures

[To be updated ...]

International Semiotics Institute, Imatra, Finland 14.-16.06.96. 4th Biannual Congress of the Nordic Association of Semiotic Studies. Chair for session: "Linguistics, Semiotics and Virtual Environments". Paper: "Evolving dialogical norm-systems for scientific writing in distributed virtual environments." To appear in "Signs as Communication and Dialogue": Proceedings of the 4th Biannual Congress of the Nordic Association of Semiotic Studies, Imatra, Finland, 09. -14.06.96

Università degli Studi di Bologna, Forlì, 27.05.96. Seminario di studi e confronto: Il lavoro nella società dell'informazione: Telelavoro e ricerca scientifica negli ambienti virtuali. Forelesning: "Cooperazione scientifica in ambienti virtuali: nuove modalità di interazione".

"A sociosemiotic spproach to processes of textual and interactional norm change in distributed virtual environments". 6th International Congress of The International Association for Dialogue Analysis. "Dialogue in the Heart of Europe". Czech Language Institute, Praha, Czech Republic, 20.04.96.

"The electronic hypermedia encyclopaedia: Transcending the constraints of the "authoritative work"?". Presentation of draft paper for publication in Sémiotiques at the DEVEL-project writing research group (discussant: Gunhild Åm Vatn), The University of Trondheim dept. of Applied Linguistics, December 1995.

"AI and meaning-making". Talk at a panel discussion at SCAI195; Fifth Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence. The Norwegian Institute of Technology, May 29-31, 1995.

"A semiotic perspective on the development of (artificial) consciousness." Paper given at SCAI195; Fifth Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence. The Norwegian Institute of Technology, May 29-31, 1995.

"A semiotisk perspektiv påbevissthetsutviklingen" [A semiotic perspective on the development of human consciousness]. Talk at Trondheim Semiotic Circle, The Norwegian Institute of Technology, December 1994.

"Tekstnormendring gjennom samarbeid i distribuerte virtuelle omgivelser. Metodiske betraktninger" [Changing textual norms through collaboration in distributed virtual environments. Methodological considerations]. Presentation of PhD project at Skrive-PUFF (interdisciplinary writing research group) seminar, the University of Trondheim, College of Arts and Science, November 1994.

"Brevet som sjanger". Presentation of an article by Patrizia Violi: "The Letter as Genre". Skrive-PUFF (interdisciplinary writing research group) seminar, Trondheim teacher training college, October 1994.

"Ascribing continuity to the diachronicity of textual norms in virtual environments". Paper presented at the workshop "Concept, object and sign" during Nordic Association of Semiotic Studies research symposium, the University of Trondheim, College of Arts and Science, 21-23 October 1994.

"Tegnspråkundervisning i et kultursemiotisk perspektiv" [Sign language teaching in a cultural semiotics perspective]. Paper presented for Magister Artium committee, the University of Trondheim, College of Arts and Science, Dept. of Applied Linguistics, June 1994.

"Barn og bildetelefon - et forskningsprosjekt i kultursemiotisk perspektiv" [Children and video-telephones - a research project in a cultural semiotics perspective]. Talk at a seminar for students of course module AVS-X "Kommunikasjon og tekst" [Communication and text]. The University of Trondheim, College of Arts and Science, April 1994.

"Hypermedier og virtuell virkelighet". [Hypermedia and Virtual Reality]. Lecture: UNIT-AVH, Department of Drama, Film and Teater Studies course module Film 202: Film and multimedia, April 1994.

"Hypermedier og kommunikasjon". [Hypermedia and communication] Lecture: UNIT-AVH, Department of Drama, Film and Teater Studiescourse module Film 202: Film and multimedia, April 1994.

"Kultursemiotikk". [Cultural semiotics] Lecture during a research seminar: on etnographic film, representation and Carl Lumholtz, organized by the Department of Social Anthropology, the University of Trondheim, College of Arts and Science, 23-25 March 1994.

"Multimedia og forskning" [Multimedia and research]. Lecture during a research seminar: on etnographic film, representation and Carl Lumholtz, organized by the Department of Social Anthropology, theUniversity of Trondheim, College of Arts and Science, 23-25 March 1994.

"Intra-cultural aspects of legal interpreting for deaf people." Paper presented at research symposium: "The Bilingual, Bimodal Courtroom" held during the American Association of Applied Linguists 1994 Annual Conference, Baltimore, USA, 6-9 March 1994.

"Gunther Kress: tegnets arbitræritet" [Gunther Kress: arbitrariness of the sign]. Talk at Trondheim Semiotic Circle, The University of Trondheim. January 1994.

"Med Alice gjennom speilveggen? Om grensesnittets semiotikk." [Alice through the Looking Glass? On the semiotics of the user interface]. Lecture at a cross-disciplinary research seminar on Virtual Reality held at theUniversity of Trondheim, College of Arts and Science. 19-20 November 1993

"Datamaskinen - brukerens beste venn?. Hvordan bør datasystemer oppføre seg for å gjøre jobben på brukerens premisser?" [The computer - a user's best friend? How should computers behave in order to satisfy user requirements? Talk given at a seminar arranged by InfoTron a/s. Britannia Hotel, Trondheim. 04.11.93

Paper presented at Teleteaching 93, an international conference on distance education; Trondheim, 20-25 august, 1993. "Video Telephones and Norwegian Sign Language. Systemic constraints on communication in a visual-spatial channel.".

"Undergraduate film analysis projects in a hypermedia environment". Presentasjon at the Nordic research symposium: Interaktive Multimedier - narrativitet og æstetikk. Arranged under the auspices of the Nordic Research Academy (NORFA). Aarhus University 15-19 March 1993.

"Semiotikk, norsk tegnspråk og (tele)kommunikasjon." [Semiotics, Norwegian Sign Language and (tele)communication. Lecture at Trondheim Semiotic Circle. The University of Trondheim, College of Arts and Science. 27.01.93

Seminar on multimedia language teaching organised by Forum for fremmedspråksundervisning in Trondheim (in cooperation with professor Lars S. Evensen). The University of Trondheim, College of Arts and Science, Multimedia Lab, 17.12.92.

Mini-seminar on multimedia language teaching: further education course for teachers (in cooperation with professor Lars S. Evensen). The University of Trondheim, College of Arts and Science, Multimedia Lab, 20.11.92.

Mini-seminar on multimedia language teaching: further education course for teachers (in cooperation with professor Lars S. Evensen). The University of Trondheim, College of Arts and Science, Multimedia Lab, 26.03.92.

Demonstration of multimedia programware for media-studies students from Mediaskolen a/s (in cooperation with Julie Feilberg), The University of Trondheim, College of Arts and Science, Multimedia Lab, 22.10.92

Paper presented at the 4th Finnish Seminar on Discourse Analysis: "Evaluation of a video telephone system by means of sign language communication". Oulu, Finland, 2.-3.10.1992.

Paper presented at the research symposium: "Tekst i kontekst". Trondheim 22-26 September 1992. "Bildetelefoner og tegnspråk. Evaluering av et bildetelefonsystem brukt for tegnspråklig kommunikasjon." [Video-telephones and Sign Language. Evaluation of a video-telephone system used for Sign Language communication].

Lecture for teachers of the deaf at Skådalen Center for the Hard of Hearing, August 1991. "Døve, tegnspråket og skriften påveggen - ett tverrkulturelt perspektiv pådøves skriftspråkskompetanse." [Deaf people, Sign Language and the writing on the wall: a cross-cultural perspective on literacy and the deaf].

Lecture: "Språklig bevissthet og tolkesituasjonen", and workshops on the same subject at the NDTF further education course for interpreters for the deaf and deaf-blind, Trondheim, November 1990.
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Patrick John Coppock, November 2008

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